Comedy Minus One Records

STNNNG : "Empire Inward" Lp

Sold out.

Side A
Ring & Roar
Texas Disco
Old Fool & Crow

Side B
Empire Inward
Long Middle
Ballad of the Drunken Word
Adam Justified

STNNNG (pronounced “stunning”) are from the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota. No, they do not sound like any of those three Minneapolis bands you can think of from VH1 Classic oversaturation or Rolling Stone’s retro-active fawning. They sound more like a lumbering giant laughing madly while tangled up in some barbed electric fence. In other words, like heavy rock in the art-y/noisy Touch & Go vein. Think punk rock tenacity with metal power, classic rock riffage, vaudevillian showmanship and the hyper-literate lyrics of a man seemingly possessed by a full encyclopedia set of subtly deranged characters.

STNNNG recorded their fourth full-length album titled Empire Inward Electrical Audio in Chicago with Steve Albini. The record was mastered direct to metal at Abbey Road Studios in London. On stage, the band’s a drunken speedboat careening off every ship in the harbor. Their five spastic bodies leap, puff, snort and wrench like the subjects of some mannerist sculptor’s wettest dream.

Features curent and former members of Death & Texas, Chambermaids, Pony Trash, Heroine Sheiks and Signal To Trust.

"Empire Inward is...a record that begs to be examined over multiple listens. On one pass you may hear the galloping, take no prisoners rhythm section, the next time through the angular, striaght for your throat guitar work. And then you’ll take one meander just to soak in the howl at the moon lyrics. Combine it all together and it is another notch on the belt of the STNNNG crew and one of the strongest releases, local or otherwise, that has come out this year." - Reviler


: PRF Distro : : STNNNG :

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